Sunday, March 27, 2022

Kade's last tournament was a 2 day tournament in LaCrosse so we stayed at a hotel with a pool and made a weekend out of it.  The boys played 2 games on Saturday and then swam for about 5 hours!

Mason snorkeled around the pool the entire time!

They had an early game on Sunday but they were ready!

Mason playing an intense game of Go Fish between basketball games.

They lost to the same team twice.  Giving them their only 2 losses of the season.  It was a tough team though and they played their hearts out!
It was a pretty big tournament so there wasn't a game for 3rd place so they either got 3rd or 4th.

The ride home was a quiet one!!

The following week they watched our high school wrestling team compete at State!

And celebrating G&G's birthdays.


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