Thursday, June 3, 2021

I am FAILING at blog posts lately!!  Sorry!!
We got cement in the shed a couple weekends ago.  Back when we lived in our old house, Kade and I would walk down the road and watch construction of all of the new houses going up.  He LOVED it.  Some things never change.  He was outside at 5:50 in the morning watching the cement being poured.
He's under the tree, sitting on the garbage.  He sat there for HOURS.

We had our first camping trip of 2021 last weekend!  The weather was perfect!
Lots of kids available to play some wiffle ball!

Lola did a good job too!

The boys had their first baseball games too!
Mason absolutely LOVES catching.  He's really good at it too!
It's the perfect position for him since he has no fear and there's lots of action to keep him focused.  Unfortunately he could only catch for 1 inning before it was someone else's turn.  He doesn't love the other positions quite as much.  He was in left field and decided he needed to pee.  He just walked off the field in the middle of the inning, tossed his glove in the dugout and headed to the toilets--didn't say a word to anyone.

His first at bat.  He got a hit!

Kade's game wasn't quite as entertaining.  
Of course, he is so fun to watch pitch but it was a loooooooong booooooooring game otherwise.  Here he is at the mound as the lead off pitcher!


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