Saturday, June 26, 2021

More Twins Pictures

I'm so lucky that my friend Melissa takes amazing pictures and it just so happens that her son Charlie did the camp too.  So I got LOTS of pictures of Kade in action!  I haven't even been able to go through all of the ones of them at Target Field yet, so I'm just posting the ones Erik took for now.  

These are the pictures Melissa took while they were still at camp.

They had a skills competition at camp and Kade was first runner up (2nd place).  There are a bunch of camps throughout MN and at the end of summer they take the top 10 scorers to compete at Champions Day.  They'll also be recognized on the field during a Twins game.  We won't know until the end of summer, but there's a small possibility Kade's score might be high enough for him to compete.  
After he received the award I asked him if he knew that's what he was competing for.  He said, "No!  And if I had known that I would've tried harder!!".  I told him that's a lesson learned that you always try your hardest because you never know if you'll end up on Target Field.  Ha!

Here he is fist pumping all of the coaches after getting the award.

His coaches and camp teammates

His buddies from home.

After a week of camp, they spent a day going through their drills on Target Field.
They took a charter bus up and watched The Sandlot.  Kade thought it was so cool!

Erik got to watch from the stands.  He was pretty excited too!

His First Runner Up award.

So many pictures of Kade but we can't forget Mason!
He caught his very first fish on his bait caster.  He was pretty pumped!


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