Thursday, June 10, 2021

Smell Ya Later 1st and 4th Grades!

School's out for summer!!!  They went in person, mainly.  Except for those looooooong days from right before Thanksgiving until the end of January when they had to do distance learning.  Kade's class made it through unscathed--they didn't ever have to quarantine due to direct exposure.  Unfortunately Mason's class did have to quarantine for 2 weeks in May.  Fingers crossed we'll never, EVER have to do that again!
We haven't received final grades yet, but I'm assuming they're both moving on up to the next grade.

Summer is already in full swing here!  I mean, besides the heat stroke inducing 100 degree weather we're having.  Lots to post on for next week!!  I love it when I fall behind in my updates, it means our schedule is packed with fun!

The boys aren't quite as willing to pose for the last day of school pictures as they are for the first day.  I did manage to get a couple shots though.  Unfortunately they wouldn't let me take individuals.

Last day of 4th and 1st grade.
And an extra dog showed up during the school year!

1st day of 1st and 4th grade.
Notice Mason's shorts on the last day and Kade's shorts on the 1st day!

Trixie grew a bit too!


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