Friday, May 21, 2021

Kade's been studying all year to learn his states, capitols and other significant landmarks.  This week they took the final test!  They got 3 tries to get 100%.  On his first try he got everything right except he mixed up 2 oceans, so he nailed it on his second try.  
Introducing Mr. USA!

Poor Mason got pretty bored these last 2 weeks having to stay home from school, baseball and other fun activities.  
Trixie didn't mind the company though!!

Erik took him on a couple outdoor adventures doing only what Erik knows best...

...trapping gophers

...and fishing!

I am happy to report that Mason never came down with any symptoms, and neither did anyone else in the family!!

Oldest walking the youngest,
Kade and Owen.
We keep telling Kade he owes many hours of walking babies after the laps (and sore backs) everyone put in walking him!  He doesn't mind though, he's an amazing big cousin.


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