Friday, June 18, 2021

Mason's Tonsils and Kade's a Twin

We finally did it!  Mason finally got his tonsils out!  We had everything scheduled for last year but we canceled due to covid.  However, we couldn't put it off any longer so we did it.  The tonsils are gone.  We checked in on Tuesday 6/8 at 7:00am and checked out same day at 2:00pm.  Mason was a champ.  He seriously can handle pain like no other person I know.  We did around the clock pain management for 7 days, it felt like we had a 7 year old newborn!  On the 8th day he said he wanted to try the day without meds and he hasn't taken anything since.  He's pretty much back to himself.  His voice sounds like a cartoon character but other than that, we've got our Mason back!!

While Mason was busy losing his tonsils, Kade was busy participating in his first Twins camp!  The very first week of summer break and he was getting up early, playing baseball for 6 hours in the SWELTERING heat and coming home happy, exhausted and usually going back out for more baseball in the evening.  He loved every minute of it.  An entire week, completely scheduled, completely centered around baseball....he might as well have been in heaven.  Here's a few pictures of his week but there's a lot more to come!

He did camp with his friends Charlie, Owen and Porter


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