Saturday, October 3, 2020

Way back in the first week of August Erik took a Wednesday off and we took the boat to Lake Byllesby for some fishing and tubing.  It ended up being kinda chilly for tubing and Kade ended up being kinda "hangry" almost the entire time.  So even though, looking back, we only remember the fun parts it definitely tested our patience being stuck on a boat in the middle of the lake with a kid who did NOT want to be there.  Given the chance, I'd do that day all over, exactly how it was, in a heartbeat!!

Don't be fooled by that smile, he was not having it this day.  
This might be the only picture of Kade from this trip!

Kade caught this fish but he didn't want his picture taken or take it off the hook.  
Thankfully Mason obliged!

Erik's brother Mike and his wife Sarah joined us with their boat too!
Mason and Erik tubed, Kade thought it was too cold to get in the water.

It's hard to tell in this picture but Erik is on the tube and it's completely submerged.  Kade and I got a good laugh at that.

Back on top of the water!

Kade did end up getting on the tube.  Mike got their boat close enough to ours, Sarah tossed it over, Kade hopped on and they pulled him over.  Poor Kade, it was one of his high maintenance days.  Maybe someday he'll read this post and remember how silly he was being.

As we were heading back, Mason was trolling a line.  He thought he had seaweed, then he thought he had a log, then he thought he was tangled on Erik's line, then he realized he had a giant fish!
I thought I was recording the whole thing but stupid me, I never hit start. It was so fun watching him work for the fish and see how excited he (and everyone else) was!!

A catfish!

Kade helped net it and measure it while Mason rested after the fight to bring it in.
26 inches!


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