Saturday, October 17, 2020

Labor Day Weekend Camping

We went camping over Labor Day weekend this year.  It was the first time all summer, this dang virus has really messed with our summer activities!!  The weather was awesome and the company was fantastic, there was 18 of us in all.  We also happened to pick up Lola that weekend so it was a crazy weekend of puppies and kids!!

I apologize for the lack of order to these pictures, the website did an update and I can't organize the pictures like I used to.  

Body taking Lola swimming for the first time.

Delaney, Harper and Mason

Paityn took these awesome pictures of my favorite little fisherman!
Mason and Charlie couldn't get enough of fishing.  To the point where even Grandpa had to tell Mason "enough"!  Those two are obsessed.

Erik and his Lola Bear

These kids were crazy!  This was an ice cold trout stream and they swam in it like champs.  I couldn't even get my feet wet.

Grandpa Ranger and Lola

Charlie and Mason at Forestville

It appears Kade is giving Mason a hug, but I think in actuality, he's trying to shove him down the steps.

Erik and Trixie Lou
You'd think he was the one that holds the puppies all of the time.
I'm just the one always taking the pictures.

Kade and Paityn with the puppies

Sharon and Lola
She's SOOO tiny!

Logan and Mason
Logan was kind enough to let Mason hold his fish for the picture.
I don't think Mase ever actually caught anything.

Melissa and Trixie

Mason REALLY wanted me to take a picture of the fish's mouth.
I obliged.  And I love those chubby little fingers!

Body, Delaney, Harper, Kade and Paityn


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