Sunday, October 11, 2020

Back to School

The boys started school in the beginning of September!  We had the option to homeschool them or send them back.  We figured we'd probably be home schooling them at some point this school year anyway, so we'd send them for now to get them back into the school mindset, meet their teachers and have some sort of scheduled structure again.  For now they go every day except Wednesday (lucky me, they're home on my day off), hopefully it stays that way!  They both love it and are glad to be back, even if they have to wear a mask.

Just a couple pictures that haven't been in a post yet.
Mason hosted his first sleepover with his cousin, Isaac.

I'm not sure if Isaac will want to come back if his host keeps farting in the bed!

I'm told they didn't actually do much fishing on this trip.  
It sounds like Mason's croc ended up in the water and they spent most of the time trying to get it back.  They did end up catching it though!

Back to school!!

4th grade!

1st grade!


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