Saturday, September 26, 2020

Vacation 2: Part 2

We had sunshine every day, which means the kids were fishing, swimming or tubing from sun up to sun down!  There's 168 hours in the week and Mason and Isaac were fishing for 130 of them.  Rarely we could get them to come in to eat, usually we'd just walk a plate of food out to them.

I took my supervising responsibilities seriously.  
Someone had to nap with the puppy!

More fishing!

The night before, Erik had thrown the line into the water so no one stepped on a hook.  The next morning Mason was getting his pole ready and reeling in the line.  All of the sudden he yelled, "I caught a catfish!!"  Sure enough, there was a small catfish on the line!!  It had been on there for some time, it was all tangled in the line and definitely exhausted.  Only Mason.

These kids are getting bigger and braver when it comes to riding the tube....

"mooning" us...

and surfing.

The old mom's even took a leisurely ride.  
We didn't last long though, a bit too bumpy and splashy for us old gals.

Grandpa made his annual fishing plaques for the kids!

An hour after we got home, vacations are exhausting!


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