Sunday, May 24, 2020

We made it!!  We're done with school!!  I can't say it was pretty but we're all still talking to each other.  I also can't say the boys came out smarter than they were in March when they left their teachers, but they're definitely not dumber so I consider that a solid win in my book. 

Kade still has a couple things to finish up before Friday when the official last day of school is but we no longer have to plan our day around school work for Mason, which was our biggest struggle.  His 1st grade teacher will have their hands full when that little man heads back into school.  Uff da.  Like I always tell him, "He's lucky he's cute!!"  If every single lesson revolved around fishing, getting dirty and just overall "boy destruction", he'd be considered a genius!

Kade's still hunting that elusive turkey.  Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday I wake him up at 4:15 to head out and every time he's come back empty handed.  He's hunting in the woods next to our house so Erik and I sit out on the porch and listen to him and Grandpa calling them in.  It's pretty entertaining but we still haven't heard a gunshot.  Poor kid.  I will say his determination and dedication, at 9 years old, is pretty impressive.  Fingers crossed he gets one before June.

Baseball has been canceled for the summer.  Camping is still up in the air, although even if campgrounds do open up, I'm not sure we'll go.  We've got it pretty good out here in the country.  So, we decided this was definitely the summer to buy a fishing boat!  They've taken it out on the water a couple times with no luck, good thing Mason has just as much fun pretend playing in our driveway!

Not surprisingly, Kade is a pretty good pitcher.  He's been practicing a little bit with Erik giving him pointers.  Hopefully next summer we'll see a lot of strike outs with him on the mound!

Mason posing in front of Erik's latest project completion.  
A firewood holder.

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