Saturday, May 16, 2020

We're in the final stretch of our "new normal", there's only 5 days left of "distance learning" (it's funny how 2 months ago I would've asked what the heck those 2 phrases mean and now that's all we hear!) and then it's officially summer!!!  
Kade has done fine with home school, he gets up and does it right away.  I honestly haven't even looked too closely at his requirements and if he's meeting them.  I probably should but he's such a rule follower that I'm trusting he's doing everything.  I've also taken on the attitude of, "is he going to fail 3rd grade if he doesn't get something done?  No.  So, really, who cares?"  Probably not the best attitude to have as a parent.
Mason, on the other hand, has been a struggle to say the least.  He does not want to do anything and I don't blame him but, dang, is it frustrating to just get him to do the bare minimum!  We've had to get creative with bribing him and 99% of the time it involves fishing.  Again, he's not going to fail Kindergarten but I cannot wait until the pressure is off and we can just enjoy the day without schoolwork looming over our heads.
These boys are GREAT at enjoying their day.  We've been counting our blessings that we are in the country because they have so many places to go just on our property to play and use their imagination.  The biggest hit so far has been the sandbox, they've got quite the farming operation set up in and around there.  The waterway has also been a top contender.  They load up their 4 wheeler and pretend they are on a hunt, or they're living in the wild like Bear Grylls.
I'm not sure what the summer holds in store for us but I do know that in 5 days I'll finally get my dining room table back!!

Fishing season is officially open!

Can't social distance from cousins forever!
Kade and Violet resting between horse lessons with Grandma.

Seemed like the perfect day to do some shirtless schoolwork in the sun!

The squirrel feeder has found a home...

and a repeat customer.  This big fella spends hours at the bar.

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