Friday, May 29, 2020


I always have a running list in my head, and on paper, of what projects I want to get done around the house.  Of course there's never any time to do them...until now!  We are hammering out projects left and right these days and the boys are getting in on a few too.  We're so productive, we've (Erik) has taken our (Erik's) skills on the road!  I was a little worried I'd run out of things to do but the more time I have to think, the more time I have to come up with new ideas.  So, I can safely say we'll never run out of things to do.

This is the laundry room.  Some day I'll post before and afters.  
This room has been mainly completed for awhile, except for the door under the sink that the towel is mounted on.  That FINALLY got finished and installed (after 6 years of nothing there).  It finally looks like a finished room!

Erik has been helping build a lean-to for the mini horses.  They're moving out to his sister Erin's place.  Here the boys "helped" by staying out of the way and getting SUPER muddy on the 4 wheeler.

And here Mason actually did help!
Cutest carpenter I've ever seen.

We did some updates to our kitchen (still not finished) and took out some cabinets.
I decided to paint them and utilize them in the basement as a bar area.
Erik caught me in action sanding the countertop.

The finished product!
Still needs some decorations to make it complete but we can cross that off my list now!

I'm sure Erik is dying to know what's next on his list!  (He's not)

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