Wednesday, September 4, 2019

About a month ago Mason lost his first tooth!  He probably could've lost it 2 months ago but he's sensitive about his teeth and he refused to pull it out, or let anyone else pull it out either.  Instead he'd play with it constantly until one day it just fell out.  The tooth fairy came, brought cash and left him a note but he honestly could've cared less.  And about a week later he lost his 2nd tooth!  I'm seeing braces in his future because those teeth are coming in pretty darn crooked. 

The beginning of last month we spent the weekend at a friend's lake house.  The weather was perfect, the water was warm and the kids spent probably about 12 hours in the water.  Best summer day ever.

That's a lot of leg those dad's are showing!!

They were trying to paddle hard enough to pull each other on the tube.
Love their determination!

Cutest boat driver I've ever seen.

Erik and I just floating around.

We spent hours floating in the middle of the lake and playing on the lily pad.  
Little did we know this would be Mason's last time swimming this summer.  About a week after this trip he cut his leg on the corner of the front door and got 18 stitches.  Thank goodness his last swimming trip was such a good one!!

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