Thursday, September 26, 2019

August Vacation

We spent a week in August at the cabin we've visited the last few summers.  The boys looked forward to this all summer.  They had big plans of fishing, swimming, tubing and boat rides!  Unfortunately, a couple days before we were leaving, Mason caught his shin on the corner of the front door.  

It was a pretty significant cut...2.5" long and very deep--through his fat, almost to his muscle deep (thank goodness it didn't cut his muscle too).  He came home with 18 stitches, 3 deep and 15 on top, along with strict instructions of no swimming.  Poor Mason's vacation water plans were ruined.  

Thankfully his obsession with fishing meant he really didn't mind not being able to swim!  Sure, there were a few moments where you could see he was pretty sad he wasn't in the water with the rest of the kids but he was more than happy to fish for 13 hours a day!!

Other than that "little" setback, it was a successful week!

Kade getting some reading minutes in with Lillian, who was more than happy to listen!

Kade and Lillian

Felt like all we were doing was feeding these hungry little monsters!

Can't swim?  
No problem!  
We were in good hands with this boat driver!

Kade seems a bit too relaxed with his brother at the wheel.

1 of 10,000,654 fish that Mason caught.

I promised Mason I wouldn't swim (pretty easy promise to keep on my end).  
I also promised to watch him fish.  
So this is 1 moment out of 900 hours I spent fishing with him.

In sticking with the Fish themed week, we found ourselves at the fishing museum in Hayward!

Violet and Mason in the mouth.

Just what Mason needed to do...practice his casting.

We also took the boys to the Lumberjack show.
They LOVED it.  They both said it was their best part of vacation and have asked multiple times if they can go again.

Mason and Isaac trying their hands at lumberjacking.

An official lumberjack certificate.

Kade and Violet with their autographed wood chips.

It's time to remove the stitches!

Thank goodness we vacationed with a trained professional, 
Nurse/Aunt Sarah!

Mason liked to pretend he was hosting his own fishing show.
He was so excited to be able to take the kayak out on his own.

Hand lining.


Kade caught the most bass on the trip.  
Which is funny because he only fished maybe 1/4 of the time Mason did!  
Luckily Kade likes to have Mason take it off the hook for him so everybody wins.

Sleepy boys.

Love this handsome little man!

Can't get enough of this little fella either!

Family picture time!

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