Sunday, August 25, 2019

The last weekend in July was the end of the year baseball tournament for Kade's league.  The coaches put them in the hardest bracket, which put them against the toughest teams from the other leagues around the area.  Didn't phase them, they walked away with 1st place without batting an eye!  Another fun summer of baseball is in the books!!

Mason and Kade's teammate, Bennett, goofing around between games.

Medal time!

Awhile back I mentioned the team was nominated for team of the month on a local tv channel.
Anyway, they got $150 as a team, to spend at Scheels.  Here they are receiving the goods!

A water bottle, Big League chew, and a baseball.

Although it looks like he hit the mark, Erik wasn't sneaky enough so Chad got out of the way too quickly and barely got a sprinkle on him.

Mason also received a first place medal for being such a dedicated little brother.

The next day Kade went fishing with his friends Kelton and Tyeson.

And brought home a keeper!

Lucky for us, Grandpa Ranger was home so he could come out to clean and cook the fish.  Actually, we got a 2 for 1 because that meant he was able to help Erik and his brother Mike install our new microwave.
This picture makes me giggle every time!

The boys enjoying a little bite of trout.
Mason loved it, Kade wasn't a huge fan.

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