Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Back to School

Before we get too far into the school year, and I'm still playing catch up from our whirlwind August, I need to skip ahead and post the back to school pictures!!  

Kade is an old pro at this.  
So he was a 1 and done picture on his first day of 3rd grade.
His teacher is a huge Duke fan, so of course Kade wore a North Carolina shirt to give his teacher a hard time!!

Mason, on the other hand, started Kindergarten!!!
So he had to suffer through LOTS of pictures.

On his first day, they started an hour later than the rest of the school and their parents joined them to help ease the transition as well as help out with their first time in the lunch room.
That meant we had ample time to take pictures with our buddies!

Gunnar and Mason

Ashtyn, who is in the same classroom as Mason, and Gunnar

Mase was so excited to be old enough to ride the bus home with Kade.
Erik and I were both home for their first day so we met them at the end of the driveway.

First of MANY walks up the driveway for these boys!!

With both boys officially in school full time, that means we are done with daycare.  From the time Kade started to daycare to the day Mason finished, we went through 4 daycare ladies.  They were all great but due to various reasons we could never stay at the same place.  
I'd say we ended our daycare journey on top though!  Amanda is the first person I called when we found out we were getting Kade!  I contacted her multiple times through out the years but she just never had openings.  I was so excited when she finally could take the boys!  
Although we'll hopefully still be able to go to her on snow days and during the summer months, there's a chance we won't be able to, so it was a sad day on the last day of summer.  I can't believe our 9 year journey of daycare is over!  Time is moving too fast!!

It's not goodbye when everyone at the daycare is either family or close friends!!

Saying goodbye to Amanda, our last daycare lady

Saying goodbye to Michelle, our first daycare lady (back in 2016)

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