Monday, September 9, 2019

The boys are in school now, football season has started, fall weather is just around the corner but here I am still WAY back in August!!!  Kade's birthday, to be exact.  

We made our annual trek to Lady A's neck of the woods, where we were spoiled and the boys were even spoiled-er.  Where most little boy's (and big boy's) dreams are made a reality by playing on every possible farm implement you can think of.  The weather was perfect and so was the company.  Of course, I didn't take many pictures, I was too busy soaking it all in but here's a few that were sent to me.

We went into the DNR tent where Mason regaled the DNR dude with his knowledge of fishing.  The DNR guy was pretty flabbergasted at the accurate fishing conversation he was having with a 5 year old.  Mason sauntered on up to the guy with his hand on his hip, poked him in the belly and said, "I see you have a short nose alligator gar in your aquarium.  What bait did you use to catch it?"  The guy's jaw dropped, he pulled up a chair so he could sit at Mason's level and they proceeded to have a 10 minute conversation about fishing.

Kado's dreaming big!

9 years old!!!

But never too old for a spanking and kisses!  Grandpa C. had to play it cool for awhile because Kade was pretty on guard to run from the spankings but he let his guard down and grandpa went for it.  He got him down and Grandma H. took care of the 9 spankings, kisses, hugs and pinches.

Time for daycare celebration!

And lastly, a mini celebration at the pool with friends.  
The 2 kids in front of Kade and to his right are twins who were born the day after Kade so it worked out well to celebrate them all!

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