Wednesday, July 31, 2019

After the 4th our Staycation continued on with a family day in Lanesboro.  We fished, went on a 10 mile bike ride and ended the day at the pool.  Of course, the only picture I took the entire day was this one of Kade.

However, we went back to the pool the next day with friends!  Thankfully I have lots of friends who remember to take pictures AND send them to me!

Mason's in the orange shorts and Kade is the blonde kid trying to get on.
Erik is the stud in the background.

After the pool we came home and set up the tent!
We kept saying we should do that but we've never got around to actually doing it, however when you're home with no plans, there's plenty of time to do things you never get around to doing!

The boys, well mainly Kade, weren't so sure about sleeping out in the tent by themselves.  
Lucky for him, I wasn't so sure about it either so I sent Erik out there.
However, they look pretty brave in this picture!

Mohawk time!
I'm not exactly sure what you'd call Kade's style but he liked it.  
And it's summer, so anything goes when it comes to hair!  I'm just shocked he actually let me cut his hair, he hasn't allowed that in years!

And then there's this kid!
Mohawk? Check.
Amazing brown eyes?  Check.
Holding a baby doll? Check.

Daycare fun!

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