Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I got back from my Seattle trip on Monday morning and had the whole rest of the week off to celebrate the 4th of July.  We had talked about going on vacation but never could quite make a decision (shocking, I know!) so instead we stayed home for the week and had the best vacation ever!  We woke up every morning with no alarms, no plans and nowhere to be.  Yes, that is Kade's version of torture but the rest of us were loving every minute of it!!

Why not?!  
We've got nothing else to do!

Kade actually joined us this time too!
He's not as die hard as Mason when it comes to fishing, but these fish were biting every 2 seconds so even Kade was entertained!

Although, Grandpa made him take his own fish off the hook (usually he just has Mason do it for him).
That's the face Kade makes when he's not sure he wants to do something.  He masks his uncertainty with a smile!  But he did it!

Only Mason can hook and reel in a fish upside down!

Kade got to have his very first sleepover at our house too!
Owen, Kade and Kelton.
They actually fell asleep around 12:30 and woke up at 7:00.  Not too bad!
Although, they've since had another sleepover at Owen's where they went to bed at 3:20 and woke up at 8:00.  That was a rough couple days afterwards!!

We tried to take them to a pool but got rained out.
Instead Erik sprayed them with a hose and they tossed water balloons.

Owen, Kelton, Kade, Mason

I told them to do a funny one and Kelton had the bright idea to pretend to sniff farts.

For the 4th we spent the day at our friend's pool and lit off fireworks in the evening.
The weather was perfect!

Jack and Mason

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