Monday, September 3, 2018

Vacation #2, Part 2 and Kade's 8th Birthday

We got home from camping on Sunday afternoon, unpacked, cleaned the camper and did laundry then repacked and left for Lady A's hometown on Monday.  We visited the annual farm show, relaxed and watched the boys get spoiled with all things farm!

I didn't take too many pictures but it was tough to keep the boys moving through the show.  They'd find one piece of equipment and start into elaborate imaginative play of brothers farming together--gassing it up, fixing the engine, taking it out into the field, etc.

Kade got a drone from Lady A and her parents!

It is pretty fun watching it zip through the air.  He's pretty good at driving it!  

Kade's daycare birthday celebration.

We didn't have a party for him this year.  He didn't ask for a friend party and his birthday fell right in between our 2 August vacations.  He was more than happy to have both sets of grandparents over for dinner.  Mason was pretty excited too!

I snuck a little something in the pile of gifts for Mase.

Grandpa Ranger hooked Kade up with lots and lots of fishing gear.  Grandma Randi made sure to individually wrap each thing.  It took him awhile to open everything!

Wild gear from Grandpa and Grandma H!

The way into this kid's heart....chocolate!

The boys with Grandpa and Grandma H...

And with Grandpa and Grandma C

Oh Mase....

Happy 8th Birthday, Kade Will!!

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