Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Vacation #2; Part 1

The first week in August we took a 5 night camping trip to a campground near Wisconsin Dells.  However, we never actually made it into the dells area because there was so much to do at the campground!
We went with our friends, the Z's, as well as Erik's sister Jenna and her family.  The weather was great, the company was great and the kids had a blast!  The parents did too but, whew, it's exhausting keeping up with these little people!!

The campground had inflatables galore!
On land...

And sea!

There's always a million pictures of the kids and dads but only 1 of the mom's.  
That we have to take ourselves or else you'd never know we were even there.

The campground gave firetruck rides!  
They filled up cans of water and let the kids go nuts spraying people.
Mason was in hog heaven.

We rented a pontoon for a day.

The campground also gave out free wristbands to a nearby waterpark.  It was perfect!  When the kids needed a change of scenery we just drove 5 minutes down the road and were able to utilize an indoor and outdoor waterpark!!

We also rented jet skis for an hour.

I took one for the team and stayed on land to snuggle this little sleeping beauty.

Kade and Charlie discovering the joys of beef jerky in the form of chewing tobacco.  
Keeping it real classy around here.

Sno cones for Mason and Isaac.  That's more like it!!

Another great camping trip in the books!!  Love the memories we are making with these cutie pies!!

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