Saturday, September 29, 2018

Twins Game

It's almost the last day of September and I'm still catching up with a post about the Twins game we went to in August!

The day after we got back from the week at the cabin we went to our very first Twins game!  Well, Erik and I had been to games when they played in the dome but we hadn't been to the new stadium yet and it's been around for 8 years!  I remember we had tickets to a game in 2010, the year the stadium opened, but Kade came along 4 days before we were supposed to go so, needless to say, we gave those tickets up!!

We went with our friends, the S's.  Porter and Kade are in class together.  And Mason LOVES Lauren (I think she likes hanging with him too) so it worked out well!

 Pre-car ride pictures:
Porter, Kade, Mason and Lauren

Erik and Scott
The funniest part about this picture, besides the sweet Senior Picture Pose, is they had no idea I was taking it!

Sandi and I joined in the pictures too

It was also our first time riding the light rail.  
On our way to hop on the train.

Waiting in line to get autographs from Twins players

Kade was too shy but Mason gave knuckles to both the players.
He must've been good luck because one of them hit a home run in the following game!

Our seats were awesome, we were only a few rows up from the field, behind 1st base.
So, we got to enjoy the 1st Base Lounge.  Good thing too because it was right behind our seats, it was air conditioned (holy cow it was hot that day), the bathrooms were clean and the food was easily accessible!  All important things when at a game with kids!

Mason did really well but he did get a little bored.  Thank goodness for youtube!

After the game the kids got to go on the field and run the bases!!

I'm not sure who was more excited about being on the field.  
The kids or the dads?

Riding the train back to our cars!

The next morning Kade was watching the game and he saw us on tv!!
Scott and Porter are directly left of the word "FOX", Mason and I are directly underneath it.  I'm covering Mason's head because there was a foul ball in our area, but I lost sight of it, so it was the best I could do to protect him!  Erik and Kade must've been in the bathroom.

Mason entertaining us during the 7th inning stretch

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