Saturday, September 22, 2018

Back to School 2018

I can't believe I still have more summer activities to post about but I wanted to get first day of school pictures up before we get into October!

Kade is in 2nd grade this year and Mason started preschool.  How did that happen already??  Time literally is flying by.

School didn't start until the Thursday after Labor Day for Kade and Mason didn't start until the following Monday.  The day after Labor Day, when most schools are starting, we actually had conferences, meet the teacher and school picture day.

Just a little added fun confusion for us...Kade's teacher is Eisenman and Mason's is Einsman.  I think we are finally starting to get them straight, 3 weeks later.

Conference Day
Look at these big, handsome boys!!

Official First Day of School Pictures for Kade

Kade and Kennedy.
We give her a ride to school every morning too.

Kade loves school.  
He thrives on routines and schedules.  He loves being around a bunch of kids and being able to play with everyone at recess.  
This kid is made for school!

Official First Day of School Picture for Mason

Poor Mase had a rough allergy day on his first day.  You can see in these pictures how red and itchy his eyes were.

Mason doesn't go anywhere without his na night.  I was super worried he wouldn't be able to leave it home for school so we had been preparing him for weeks that na night had to stay home.  We decided that Mousey would LOVE to snuggle with the blanket while Mason was gone.  This is how he decided it was best to leave them on the first day...

Mouse with his arm around the wood fish he won on vacation, all tucked in with na night.

I'm very proud to say that he's not had any issues with leaving na night at home since school has started.  He really is such a big boy now!

Walking in with the big kids!
Mason let me walk him into his classroom the first day.  Everyday since then he's requested Kennedy to escort him.

Hanging his backpack up in his very own locker!

He only goes for half days, 3 days a week.
He also goes with 3 of his daycare friends, so the bus drops them off at daycare.
Amanda, our daycare mom, sent us this picture of all of the little cuties getting off the bus!

I was really worried that Mason wouldn't like school.  He's never really shown interest in wanting to go and whenever we talked about he said he didn't want to start school.  Well, my worries were for nothing.  He loves school too!!  He cries on the days he doesn't get to go to school.  But the little stinker likes to try to trick us, every day we ask him how school was and he responds, "I got sent to the principal's office!".  Let's hope that joke doesn't ever become a reality!

Kade has to read 25 minutes a day.  Kade, who has never sat still for 25 minutes in his life, has to sit and read.  The first day he did it, he sat on the tractor, pedaled in circles while reading out loud.  Problem solved!

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