Saturday, September 8, 2018

Vacation # 3; Part 1

After the birthday celebrations (Erik very quietly turned the big 4-0 three days after Kade's birthday) we packed up and headed out on our last vacation of the summer!  All of Erik's family went back to the same cabin we rented last summer. 

The weather was beautiful, the company was beautiful however the colds that the kids brought along from daycare, and shared with everyone else, were not beautiful.  

Other highlights from the vacation include: fishing, fishing, a little bit more fishing, Mason learning to ride his bike without training wheels, Kade discovering he actually does love riding in the canoe because that can take us to where the really big fish hang out, Mason discovering he can take fish off the hook barehanded.  

Lessons learned on the vacation:  it is actually quite dangerous to play Duck Duck Grey Duck, as well as kickball, with a competitive family.  No bones were broken but we had some close calls!!  Also women handle colds much better than men (although that is a long known fact, I just had to reiterate it).
And we're off!!

The first part of the week was overcast due to the forest fires in Canada.  It made for some pretty pictures!

The first of 3 northerns Erik and Kade caught.

The kids got a bit more freedom on the paddle boat this year.  They had a blast jumping off of it, driving it like they were boat captains and taking turns giving tube rides.  It was pretty entertaining watching them work together to run that thing!

Mason's favorite spot of the vacation, pretending to drive the real boat.

Isaac, Jay and Mase

Kurt and Erin heading out on a romantic lake tour!

We celebrated all of the summer birthdays at once.

Lillian and Kade

The newest 2 wheel bike rider in action!  
He definitely did it in style!!

Mike and Sarah enjoying lake life!

We weren't far from the Apostle Islands so we decided to take an adult trip and hop on a boat tour of the islands.  It was supposed to be Mike, Sarah, Erik and myself.  However, see note above about man colds.  Someone had one of those and didn't join us, so I third wheeled it and had a great time!

Part 2 coming up next!

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