Friday, August 17, 2018

Summer Picture Catch Up

Summer is quickly slipping away from me and I have so many pictures to post!  We're already back from Vacation #2 and leaving shortly for Vacation #3 but we've been so busy in between that one post a week just isn't enough!  
I'm not complaining though because soon enough we'll be stuck indoors, bored out of our gourds, while the snow flies and I'll be struggling to come up with pictures/post topics.  
In the meantime, too many pictures/too little time is a lovely "problem" to have!

A few Wednesday's ago we got together with 3 of my best girlfriends from high school (I should just say "Kindergarten" because that's how long we've been friends!).  
Thankfully the kids are all still young enough that they can play really well without having the shy/self consciousness that comes with age.  We don't get together enough for all of the kids to be super close but they still had a blast!

13 kids!!

4 old ladies.

1 giant slip n' slide!!

And I just now realized it says, "Get buck naked" with a pair of underwear on it.  
Ha!  Keepin' it classy!

My youngest (Jack) and oldest (Jaxon) God son's.  

Kade and Lillian spent the day at Grandpa and Grandma H's.
The oldest and youngest grandkids on Erik's side.
Kade does so well with his baby cousins.

He had a birthday party with his baseball buddies, Owen and Kelton.
They went to a Honkers game.  Kade's first ever "professional" baseball game.
He learned so much from watching the pros!

Running the bases after the game.

His first trail ride on Zee!

Mason stayed home and helped Dad do jobs.

Big boy getting to use the drill all by himself!!

A gator ride almost always guarantees a nap for Mason.  
This ride didn't disappoint!

Harper and Mason at daycare.
Could these two be any cuter?!

I got this note from Amanda the other day:

Mason and Harper are playing restaurant with the big kids.  
Harper ordered a milk and a water to drink.  
Mason said, "I'll take a beer!".

Oh Mase.

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