Sunday, August 12, 2018

Baseball season has ended and I can't believe how good this little group of 8 and under boys are!!  They had 3 tournaments this year and they took 2nd, 1st, and 1st.  It's so fun to watch their excitement and intensity, even at such a young age!  

Something else that's fun to watch....Mason.  Oh boy did he entertain the fans on the sidelines at every game.  I think it's safe to say he captured the hearts of quite a few baseball fans this summer!  

I wasn't able to watch this "award ceremony" because as it started I realized Mason was nowhere to be found.  My dad and I took off in opposite directions immediately to search.  Luckily he showed up quickly because that's not a feeling anyone enjoys.  

On the way home, with Mason tucked safely into his carseat, I asked another mom to send me her pictures explaining why I wasn't able to take any.

Her respsonse:

"Found him!!"
I couldn't stop laughing!!  
Look at that little man trucking along just as fast as he can to get in the picture!!

I had told him that he could go out onto the field, thinking he was going to take the easy way.  Nope, not Mason.  You see that opening to the field behind him?  Through thick weeds and brush?  Yeah, that's the way he took.  And that's why we couldn't find him.  Oh Mase.

And here he is, stealing the show yet again!

Kade and Tyeson, holding their "real gold" (according to Tyeson) first place medals.

The 3rd and final tournament.

Passing time in between games:

Plank challenge.
Porter kicked Kade's "abs".

Giant pile of dirt.

Coach Erik giving his last pep talk of the summer.

Love this picture.

There was a 3 way tie for 1st place.  So the tie breaker criteria was adding up runs allowed.
This group of boys only allowed 8 runs all day!  
The other 2 teams allowed 14 and 28 runs.

The clear winners:

Of course no pictures are complete without Mason, right?
As all the parents are lined up to take pictures of their boys, Mason walked right in front of everyone, just as slowly as his feet could carry him.
One mom sent me this picture.  Oh Mase.

We stopped at a bar and grill on the way home.
Mason and the ladies!

My handsome baseball players.

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