Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thanksgiving Break Part 2

Erik and I had the Friday after Thanksgiving off this year and it's a good thing we did, it was beautiful outside!!  
It was a perfect day to take the gator and 4 wheeler for a drive on the trails Grandpa H has been hard at work creating and maintaining in the old cow pasture.  Jay and Jenna had put together a scavenger hunt for a Thanksgiving day activity but we spent too much time playing football.  The sun went down before we could get the hunt set up.  So instead we did the hunt on Friday morning.  I'm not sure who had more fun...the kids doing the hunting...or the mom's taking a peaceful, quiet drive on the gator (kid free) while we hid the "animals"!

On our way to the farm!

The hunt is on.

The animals we hid out in the trails.

Kade and Violet searching for the big game.

Mason with the duck he shot.

Saturday we left the boys with Grandpa and Grandma C and we watched the Gophers get their butts handed to them by the Badgers.  But hey, at the least the weather was nice!

Bring on the holidays!!!

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