Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving Break Part 1

The 5 day Thanksgiving break was jam packed with fun.  As we all know, our Kado Tornado needs a plan everyday so that is what we gave him!  Thankfully Mason is just happy to be along for the ride. After spending the first 3 years of his life being too small to join in, he's excited to finally be big enough to join the big kids!

Wednesday we spent a couple hours bowling, eating pizza and playing laser tag with friends.

Thursday, Thanksgiving, we started off the beautiful day with a 2 mile family walk/ Gobble Wobble fundraiser for the Salvation Army.  
We showed up a little late to the party so we ended up bringing up the rear.  My goal for every "race" is: to not get lost and not get last.  We didn't get dead last so mission accomplished in my book!
Kade decided next year he wants to do the 5K so he can get a number and a finishers medal.  I like the way he thinks!

Afterwards we celebrated with Caribou!  
Mason loves to pretend he's drinking coffee so he was pretty excited for his own coffee cup!

Then off to my cousin's house for the usual Thanksgiving feast!
Lauren teaching the boys the proper way to eat whip cream.
It kind of backfired on her...

These boys LOVE Zach and Lauren!

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