Friday, November 3, 2017

Halloween 2017

The boys decided to mix it up this year.  Kade wanted to be an army/police/camouflage guy.  Pretty sure I hit the nail on the head with the costume I found for him.  Mason wanted to be a ghost and then a police man and then a pumpkin and back to being a ghost.  When I took him shopping though he decided, for sure, he wanted to be a policeman.
So, Mason did not have to wear hand-me-downs and for the first time in 4? years Kade was not, I repeat--NOT, a football player!!!  I'm not going to lie though, I kind of wished he was.  
1.  just to keep the streak going and 
2. holy buckets Halloween costumes are expensive!  
I can't say I've ever actually purchased a costume in my 7 years of parenting until this year.  I think I'll spend the next 12 months convincing the boys they need to be football players in 2018.  Although, Mason's costume was big enough that he could be a cop for the next 4 years.  We've got options.

The night before Halloween the boys remembered they didn't carve their pumpkins.  Erik took on the task before I got home from work!

Mason's daycare party

My little cop and my big army/police/camo guy

We drove into town to trick-or-treat with friends.
Kade sprinted ahead of us the entire time and Mason wasn't sure he liked saying the whole "trick or treat/thank you" in order to get candy.  Don't worry, Kade got more than enough for all of us!

Wart update:  it fell off on Monday!!  
And Mason fell asleep mid-book tonight!!

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