Friday, December 8, 2017

Oh Christmas Tree...

So I've always been pretty picky about my Christmas trees.  I was willing to search for hours for the perfect tree.  Then the boys came along and my hours long searches dropped to a couple minutes.  Chasing 2 little boys throughout a tree farm lowered my standards immensely.  Was it green?  Was it over 5 feet tall?  Perfect!  Chop it down and let's go before we lose these boys in the forest forever!  

After we moved to our current house we realized we needed to remove quite a few pine trees because they were planted too close together.  That meant that I had ALL YEAR to pick out my perfect tree! And that's just what I did this year.  Turns out if you take the top 1/3 of a tree you are going to cut down anyway, it makes for a pretty good Christmas tree!  And, man, I had THE PERFECT tree in mind.  I mean, I picked this sucker out in July!  And I know I told Erik which one it was.  Problem is, I think I told him in July and Erik is NOT a perfect tree picker outer.  So, he failed to take note of which one it was.  Or, probably more accurately, I told him, he rolled his eyes at me and it went in one ear and out the other. 

So, when I was at work on December 1st and he told me he was going to cut down our tree I was not concerned.  I should have been.  It should come as no surprise that he did not cut down my perfect tree.  In fact, I think he cut down the exact wrong tree.  The one that I assumed we'd just salvage but never use as our Christmas tree.  To say it's rough looking is an understatement.  But it makes me giggle every time I look at it.  And Kade has been quick to point out that it is THE WORST tree he's EVER seen, which makes me giggle even harder.  But, hey, the price was right and we only had to travel to our own front yard to get it!  Bright side people, always look at the bright side.

Mason took this picture, I think he captured the angle perfectly :-)

Oh Mason.....

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