Friday, November 10, 2017

I've said this a million times and I'll say it a million times more, I cannot believe how lucky I am that I get to be these boys' mom.  They are opposite in so many ways but, man, they were meant to be brothers!  Mason adores Kade and cannot wait for him to get home every day so they can play farm, or hunt, or wrestle.  Kade counts on Mason to be his side kick in everything he does.  
Of course they fight like brothers as well.  But Mason is tough.  He rarely cries so he holds his own with his 3.5 year older brother!  
Kade always says he's going to be the quarterback and Mason is going to be his O lineman.  There's a good possibility that could happen.  The other night they were playing basketball in the basement.  It was Erik and Mason against Kade.  Mason would pass Erik the ball and then run and tackle Kade at full force and yell to Erik to shoot the ball.  Kade's love of sports is really starting to wear off on Mason now too, he just needs a little help figuring out which sport is which!
I'm so blessed to have been--literally--chosen to be their mom. 

Kade is being Santa, 

and Mason is the perfect little present!

Kade in his 3rd deer stand in our yard.
Hunting in is in this kid's blood.
I'm not sure I'm ready for the day when he wants to stop pretending and actually hunt for real

The boys with their cousin Lauren. 
She's such a good sport, they can't get enough of her and she is always willing to play with them.

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