Friday, October 27, 2017

Life Update:
~ Kade is currently dealing with a wart on his toe.  We've been battling it on and off (mainly because we forget to put the Compound W on it on a regular basis) for quite awhile.  Well, we finally decided to hit it hard the last week or 2 and it's close to finally being gone--but Kade can be a bit dramatic.  Our Friday Night Fun consisted of Erik holding him down while I tried to get the wart off, all the while Kade acting like I was pulling off his toenail.  (I should say, before anyone starts to feel too badly for Kade, the second I was done he was back on the couch eating popcorn like nothing ever happened.)

Wart-1 Mom-0

~Mason is outgrowing naps yet he still takes them almost daily.  This means that he's wide awake well past bedtime.  
A comprehensive guide to putting Mason to bed:
Step 1. read him books  
Step 2. lay with him in the dark until he's nearly asleep  
Step 3.  sneak out of his bedroom 
Step 4.  Go back in 5 minutes later because the light is on and he's out of bed   
Step 5.  Repeat steps 1-4.
Step 6.  See Step 5

Mason-1 Mom and Dad-0

Love this beautiful, crazy life with these beautiful, crazy boys!!

A couple weeks ago, Kade had some friends at our house while Mason got to spend the day playing at a friend's house...

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