Thursday, September 7, 2017


We started the month of August on vacation and we ended the month of August on vacation!!!  It was a good month!!

But from Kade's birthday that I forgot I had on my camera.

Cousins from Erik's side

He was SO EXCITED for these!  Erik can no longer go golfing without Kade and he can no longer do just 9 holes.  Kade insists on 18 and he plays his ball the entire time!  Lucky for us, golf courses think 7 year olds should be free because they lose interest so quickly, they only play a few holes.  
Ha ha ha, not this kid!

Love these smiles!

Last week we spent Saturday-Friday at a cabin in Hayward, WI with Erik's parents, siblings and kids.  There were 16 of us under one roof....good thing it was a giant roof!  I've never seen such a big "cabin".  The weather wasn't spectacular but it made for good fishing!  
First up, water pictures.  Next post, land pictures!

Unfortunately it wasn't great swimming weather but that didn't stop the kids from spending hours on the tube.  Lucky for us, Uncle Jay brought his boat and was always willing to take people for a ride!

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