Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Go Gophers!

A couple Saturday's ago we made our 3rd annual trip to a Gopher football game.  We tailgated for almost 4 hours before game time, stayed at the stadium until there was just a few minutes left in the game and then tailgated for an hour or two after.  It was a long day but time flew by and we all had a blast!  The Gophers won too!  

I asked Kade what his favorite part of the day was and he didn't hesitate when he said, "TAILGATING!!".  I think it's because the dad's play football with them and they get to play in a parking lot.  It's not very often that a kid gets to run free in a parking lot full of cars!

Unfortunately Mason didn't join us this year, I think he's still a little too young for that long of a day but he'll definitely be with us next year!  He had fun having grandpa and grandma all to himself.

And because this post didn't have any pictures of my little man, here's a couple of Mason showing off his new high tops (as he calls them).  Love this little cutie pie.

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