Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Last of the Vacation Pictures

Last week it was the water pictures, this week it's the land pictures.

This is just how we usually hang out.

The cabin was awesome!  We tried our hardest to get Erik's parents to buy such luck.  There was a huge asphalt driveway that kids spent hours biking up and down.

Dinner on the back deck.  
There weren't too many evenings this was possible, but it was beautiful when the weather cooperated!

Baby Lillian and Grandma

Mike and Sara made homemade ice cream for everyone.  
The kids had fun taking turns cranking the handle.

From these pictures it appears that we sat on the couch a lot, that was not the case.  I can't really recall a time when any kid sat down for more than 5 minutes.  Kind of weird that I had the camera ready for the rare occurrences that they did all sit down at once!

The workout crew!  
Exercising is actually fun with a lake in the background and a fun group to sweat with!

Kade cannot get enough of his cousin, Eve.  
He holds her every chance he can get, whether she likes it or not!

I, on the other hand, cannot hold Kade for more than 30 seconds!  And even then I have to wrestle him down, hold his arms, and risk getting bitten (as seen below).

We spent a couple hours at a wildlife park one day.  It was pretty interesting to see all of the animals but I think everyone's favorite part of that trip was the stop at Dairy Queen afterwards.

Isaac and Mason...carrying a cooler.  
I'm thinking this won't be the last time these two walk around with a cooler in between them.

The crew!  
Sporting our All American hats thanks to Grandpa Bill!

As if a week of 16 people under one roof wasn't crazy enough for us, we decided to end our vacation with a 3 night stay at Yogi Bear campground in Warrens, WI with 25 friends from home!  Yep, we left the cabin on Friday afternoon, stopped for groceries along the way, and pulled into the campground on Friday evening!  Whew, I'm exhausted just reliving it through the pictures!!

The five boys who created the giant group below.
They all met and became friends in preschool, now we are looking at 5 handsome FIRST graders!

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