Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Random Pictures

These are just some pictures I found that didn't find a home in previous posts...

Yep, he's seriously fast asleep!  Summering is hard on a kid!

These many pictures for their wedding day slide show :-)

Kade's birthday celebration at daycare.

More daycare fun!  
Shaving cream on the table--Amanda (daycare mom) is a brave lady!

Grandpa Ranger took Kade to the last training camp in Mankato.
Sounds like it was kind of boring, but they took a cool picture!

Fun with Gpa R in the hammock.

I can't remember if I ever announced Lillian's (the boy's newest cousin) arrival?!?
Erik's sister, Erin, had Lillian at the end of July.  They sure do love to look at her. 

Obviously Erik and I are not regular selfie takers!!

A mini-reunion with my closest friends from school!
We met in Kindergarten, still as close as ever!!

Country living at it's best!


Kade fell and hurt his knees.  Mason gave him a ride back to the house.
That's what little brothers are for!!

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