Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Back to School

First day of school was a little different this year.  Instead of starting the day after Labor Day, they had meet the teacher on that Tuesday and Wednesday, then school officially started on Thursday.  We had to sign up for time slots to meet the teacher one-on-one with our student and also fill out all of the necessary back to school paperwork.  
Of course us mom's planned our 5 boys on the same day, around the same time, so we could have the rest of the day off to play!  We took the kids out for lunch and then to a park.  What a great way to start off First Grade!!

Official First Day of School pictures:

Kade used his own birthday money to buy this backpack.  He was so proud he wanted me to take a picture of it :-)

Mason wanted absolutely nothing to do with picture taking.  
He's my sleeper, so early mornings are rough on this kid.  

First day of "no more school age kids at daycare" pictures for Mason and his daycare buddies!  

Erik and I have been discussing getting a "gator" for quite awhile.  After lots of research and phone calls, we finally decided on one.  We didn't tell the boys, so when Erik had the day after Labor Day off he took them with him to "test drive" one, knowing full well he was going to take that one home.
Look at these smiles!!

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