Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A couple weeks ago the boys started swimming lessons.  I figured Mason was ready.  He's got no fear of the water--every time we've gone swimming he jumps in without anyone catching him, he goes under no problem and he swims away from us all the time.

I assumed he'd be even better at swimming lessons than Kade was when he was 3 years old because he's never been shy like Kade.  Turns out I was WAY way wrong.  Kade's always been shy, the kind of shy that used to cry when a stranger talked to him.  Mason is the kind of shy that just shuts down.  If he doesn't look at the person, make any facial expression, or any movement at all he assumes the stranger will go away.  That kind of shy is not conducive to the swim instructor taking Mason in the water for one-on-one time.

The first week he just cried the whole time, never going near the water.  At the end, I just put him the pool with the instructor where he screamed at the top of his lungs the entire time. The second lesson he still wouldn't get in the pool without me putting him in there, however he only screamed half the time.  Tonight is lesson 3.  He's already informed me he's not getting in but I'm hoping that when I put him in there will be no more crying.  Fingers crossed!!

Kade, on the other hand, is doing great!  He's swimming the full length of the pool, doing 6 laps at a time for all of the different strokes.  The instructor works them hard and by the end the kids are exhausted.  But he's got a smile on his face the whole time.  Hopefully next year Mason will be over his shyness because I think he'll be a great swimmer as well.

I don't have any pictures of swimming lessons because I spend the entire 30 minutes of Mason's lesson trying to coax him in the water.  And the entire 30 minutes of Kade's lesson making sure Mason doesn't disappear!

I do, however, have this super cute picture of Mason taking his favorite lady on a cruise...on a lawn mower....with his dad driving.  
Ladies Man.

Kade's music teacher had a mini recital last week of the songs they've been singing all year.
Kade, of course, was too shy to really let loose.  He looks like the kid who's too cool to perform.  I assure you, at home, he is not too cool!

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