Monday, May 8, 2017

Mason is still securely in his "Daddy Only" phase, especially at bedtime.  We all gather in Mason's room for bedtime prayer then, without fail, Mason will say, "My want Daddy to lay with me".  It's just not worth the battle to try to take a turn myself.  I kiss his delicious cheeks, then Kade and I head downstairs to his room.  I'm not going to lie, I don't mind this phase of Mason's because that means I get Kade all to myself!  And that's a rare occurrence these days!

I tuck him in under all of his blankets, lay down next to him and proceed to ask him about his day.  Instead of just saying, "how was your day", I ask him 3 questions:

1.  What was your best part of the day?
2.  What was your worst part of the day?
3.  What was the funniest part of the day?

He's usually prepared right away for the best part.  It's almost always about phy-ed or recess and how his team won whatever game they were playing.  He goes into great detail about how he made the winning score (I have no idea if he's feeding me full of lies--no doubt there's a great deal of exaggeration--but I appreciate his enthusiasm for his greatness!).

His worst part is usually about how some kid was naughty at school or said something mean to him.  Every once in awhile he'll admit that his bad behavior was the worst part of his day.  We try not to dwell on the worst part, but it gives me good insight to how he's being treated at school by his peers.  So far, so good on that end!

He can never think of a funniest part.  I'll ask him if he ever laughed during the day and he can never remember what it was about.  However, judging by the conversations I've heard him have with his friends, and with Mason, I'm guessing everything funny had to do with the words butt, fart or poop.  Seriously, what is it with boys and those words?!?

I love this time of day with Kade.  He talks freely, tells me everything on his mind and he's always happy at this time of night.  If it wasn't awkward or weird, I'd do tuck-ins with him every night for the rest of his life :-)

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