Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Basketball Weekend

Easter weekend was also basketball weekend.  On Friday Grandpa Ranger and Erik took Kade and his friend Charlie to the Globetrotters game.  Then Saturday was the Alumni tournament at the high school.  Secretly I was kind of hoping Erik's team wouldn't win.  They have been in the championship game every year since the tournament started, which means we spend ALL DAY at the gym.  Turns out whether they won or lost we still had to spend ALL DAY at the gym.  Luckily they won so it made our ALL DAY at the gym worth it!!

Kade and Charles showing off their Globetrotter sweat bands.

Kade LOVED watching his Dad's team.  He soaked in every minute of the games, and more than once bragged that if he was out there they'd be winning by a lot more points!

Kade and Uncle Mike focusing on the game.

Ever since the Globetrotters and the alumni tournament Kade has been out in the driveway practicing his dribbling.  I think he's finally realized that the best basketball players are the ones who can handle the ball.  He's working hard on dribbling between his legs and behind his back.  

Mason, on the other hand, was much more focused on the concession stands at the game!!  He talked Grandpa into a bag of Skittles at 9:00 in the morning.

He did share a couple pieces with Kade.

I asked him to stand there and smile for me.
He did this instead...

While waiting for the last game to start, the boys goofed around in the hallway.

The old guys for the win!!!!

Harper and Mason at the end of the tournament doing their thing--being cute!

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