Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Yesterday I joined Kade and his class for their field trip.  It was the one beautiful day in the last 2 weeks, I swear!  We went to Quarry Hill to learn about all things nature, then on to Chester Woods for a picnic and a couple hours of play.  It was a great day, Kade and I were exhausted after all that walking, playing and fresh air!!

Big day for the big boy, it was his day to be Line Leader and he definitely had a big role to fill!  Lots of lines formed for all of the different nature walks!

Waiting for the puppet show to begin.

It was a great day to be Line Leader...guess whose hand is in that bat.

Yep!  It's Kade!  
You can sort of see his face in the crack on the left.

Taking their bow after their fantastic puppet show.

First stop on the tour was the Butterfly Garden.
Here they are acting like butterflies.

Kade and his buddy Tyeson.

Next stop on the tour was the insect garden.

Biggest, juiciest worm of the day!

Boys and their bugs.  

I didn't take any pictures of the Chester Woods portion.  I was in charge of Kade and 2 of his classmates so I was too busy chasing them down to have to time to whip out my camera.
I did manage to take a few pictures of Kade's class when they are all FINALLY sitting down!

Whoops, forgot to include the teacher!

That's better.

Gotta do a funny face!

Can't forget to include the little man Mason!
He's turned a major corner in swimming lessons.  He's finally warmed up to the teacher and now he can't get enough of the water!!  So proud of the brave boy!!

He jumped in 3 times!  On the 3rd time he jumped in from the standing position and went completely under water.  The only kid in the class to do that!!

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