Monday, May 15, 2017

Before Kade started school, I had 2 days off a week.  We'd spend 1 day cleaning, running errands, etc. and the 2nd day we'd do something fun.  Once he started school we had to change our schedules to accommodate the bus schedule so now I get just 1 day off a week.  Unfortunately that means most of the time Mason spends his day off with me doing chores.  Last week we took a break from jobs and spent the day at the National Eagle Center.  We called up G&G C and took a mini-road trip!

Trying to see what an eagle sees.

Eagle Eye Mason!

This was so cool!  
The eagles were so close we could touch them!  Not that we would because, holy cow, they're huge!  And those talons could do some damage!!

Remember what I said about those talons?  Yikes!

Afterwards we went out to eat the restaurant featured in the movie "Grumpy Old Men"!

Can't leave the big boy out of this week's post!

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