Monday, April 3, 2017

Spring Break

Kade had Friday off from school so Erik and I took the day off as well and made plans to go to a waterpark.  Erik's sister Jenna, and her family, were able to join us as well!  We rented a cabin and spent 5 hours at the waterpark on Friday and then another 3 hours on Saturday.  Everyone had a blast! 

Kade and Violet, 2 peas in a pod.

I don't know why but I just love this picture of Kade.  
Can't believe how big he is getting!  The last time we were here, he was about 2 years old!

These are a couple pictures from the last time we were at this waterpark.
Who is that handsome little man?!?!?

Anyway, back to our mini-vacation...

This might have been the one and only time Mason let someone catch him as he jumped into the pool!

Violet, Mason, Jay and Isaac

It is impossible to get a 3 year old to actually look at the camera, or smile on command, or really do anything you ask of them!



Kade spent quite a bit of time shooting hoops, 
which should come as no surprise to anyone :-)

Mason enjoying the hot tub

I told him to smile for me and this is the goofy grin he came up with.

The kids were SO EXCITED to discover their sleeping arrangements!
Remember what I said about a 3 year old doing what you ask?  Yeah, I told them to stay where they were (they were all laying on their beds) so I could take their picture.  Of course, Mason immediately got off his bed.  What a turkey!

Sitting in their beds lasted all of 2 seconds.
Let the fun begin....

Looks like a very serious conversation happening.

These 2 know what to do on vacation!!

It was a such a beautiful evening, we actually got to enjoy the outdoors for a little bit too!

After the sun set, we headed up to the game room.
Each couple spent exactly $10...

...and the kids got enough tickets to "win" 2 starbursts and a teeny, tiny racing car.
Oh well, the kids had fun and the pictures are cute!

The morning after their epic sleepover.  
In which both of these handsome little men ended up sleeping in between their parents! 

The drive home.

Unfortunately our fun weekend ended on a poor note, Kade and I came down with a nasty stomach flu.  Sunday was spent laying in bed or hanging out in the bathroom.  We both stayed home from work and school today and are spending quality time hanging out on the couch.  But, at least there hasn't been any more urgent trips to the bathroom!  

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