Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Celebrations

We've gone from cold, boring weeks with nothing to post about to having so many pictures/topics I'm not sure where to begin!!  I'll start with our Easter celebrations since it was just yesterday and there's some pretty cute pictures to put up.

Last week A and S came for a visit to celebrate Easter and play for the day.  Of course the boys were spoiled rotten with lots of gifts, candy and attention!  The perfect trifecta when it comes to children, right?!

Kade's new sweatshirt he got from S.

Mason wanted in on the picture but of course he wouldn't give me a "normal" smile!

When Kade was really young he did not want a giant bunny hopping around our house while we were all asleep.  So, we started the tradition that Mom and Dad hide the eggs.  This year Kade kept asking if the Easter Bunny was real.  I told him I wasn't sure, that I'd never seen him and he probably doesn't come to our house because he knows that it used to scare him.  He told me he's disappointed in himself for being scared because now he wishes the Easter Bunny would start coming.  Maybe next year...

Easter morning before the hunt.
I realized I was photo bombing the picture in the reflection of the fire place.

That's better.

Showing Dad the goods.

Boys in their "dress up" clothes.
This is as dressed up as I cared to get them and it was hard enough to get them to put those clothes on!

This would've been a good picture...
if Kade didn't look so creepy.


Erik took these two pictures, hence the finger in the corner.
We went to Erik's parents after church for lunch and another egg hunt.
Unfortunately these are the only 2 pictures we have of the day.

Daycare and school were closed today so Erik took the day off to hang with the boys.
I gave Kade a list of outdoor jobs to do and they knocked off 3/5 of the list!

#1 was removing this nasty dog house and kennel.
Done and done!
Kade was so excited for Demo Day on the dog house, check out that tool belt!

Snack time!  

Tooth #4 gone!

Tuesday night...

Wednesday morning.
This time the Tooth Fairy left 8 quarters.  
Judging by his reaction you would've thought he got a million bucks!  
Love the age when more is better even when it's the same amount!

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