Monday, April 10, 2017

A couple Sunday's ago, I was laying in Kade's bed with him at bedtime when he told me to feel his gums.  I hadn't washed my hands recently so I told him no.  He insisted so I felt...nothing.  But I pretended I had felt something and just kind of brushed it off.  Then he said he's sick of having that bump in his mouth because he plays with it when he's sitting in school.  That got my attention so I turned the light on for a closer look.  I tried to hide my "Mom Fear" face when I saw a big bubble of yellow puss underneath his tooth!  I don't think I did such a great job though because he immediately started freaking out.  I got Erik out of Mason's room because I'd never seen anything like it and neither had Erik.  Thank goodness for Google because we found out right away it was an abscess.  Thank goodness for my Mom Friends (one of which is a hygienist) so we knew we had to get him in to the dentist next day.  They had an opening right away in the morning, got the tooth out (no antibiotics necessary) and he was back to school by 9:30.  Total tooth loss count is up to 3 now, with a front tooth currently hanging on by a thread! 

He told Erik he wanted $100 from the tooth fairy.
He got $2.
When he mentioned the next morning that it wasn't $100 we told him he actually got 200 pennies.  That seemed to satisfy him.

And then there's this guy.
Sweet stache, buddy.
Pucker up!!!!

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