Saturday, March 25, 2017

Oldies but Goodies

I stayed up too late last night reading a book which means I've been lazy all morning.  The boys and I have been laying in bed all morning looking at old pictures and it gave me an idea for this week's post.  I took exactly 2 pictures of each boy this week and, don't get me wrong, they are super cute (like always, in my completely biased opinion).  But, after looking back over the last 6.5 years there are some CUTE pictures in our collection!  The following aren't even my favorite of all time...but...holy cannoli...we were blessed with some adorable little boys!

This week's pics:

Pictures from the past:

 These little boys are lucky they still have cheeks!  
I can't believe we didn't kiss them right off of their faces at the times of these pictures!

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