Saturday, March 18, 2017

Fun With Friends

I've been struggling with what to write about in these posts because we've been so boring lately!  We stay home every weekend, it's cold and blah outside so we haven't been doing anything fun.  
We've been debating taking the boys on a little vacation to a beach in Florida but we're just not sure Mason "is there" yet.  He's not potty trained for one.  And I just can't imagine either busy boy being content in an airplane for 3 hours or being content on a beach for 4 days (at least not the way I'd want to enjoy that beach....relaxing with a drink nearby).  Not to mention I don't trust him near any large body of water yet....that kid is fearless!!!!  Hopefully next year and every year after that!
However, I did just make our first campsite reservation of the year!  Summer fun is just around the corner!

In the meantime we've been staying busy playing with friends.
Kade's classmates got to go rollerblading for gym class.  
Here's some picture's a mom sent me of the sweaty aftermath.

A couple weeks ago Harper spent a Wednesday with us because her daycare was closed.
Mason was in Harper Heaven!!

And Kade was so excited because Paityn and Charlie got to ride the bus home with him that day and play after school!  I forget that "Country Kids" don't get to play with friends every day after school, like I did growing up in town.  So, it was an extra special day for the boys!

We took the boys bowling last weekend.  Kade was SO GRUMPY because he did not want to go.  He told us it was boring and he hated that we always made him go bowling (disclaimer:  he's only been bowling twice in his life and the last time he went was before Mason was born).  Anyway, he ended up having a great time and keeps talking about when we can go again!  We went to a small town alley on a Saturday afternoon.  They had to open the place up specifically for us and we had the place to ourselves!  It was a blast!

Is there anything cuter than little people getting help from their dad's when bowling for the first time? 

Mason loved to run back while the ball was still rolling, veeeeerrrrrry sloooooooowly, down the lane.

These 3 had their own lane and managed to get about 6 games in while we were still finishing up our one.  Mason and Harper definitely put a delay on the game every time they were up :-)

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