Friday, March 3, 2017

Big Boy Bed

We now have 2 big boys sleeping in big boy beds!!  We moved Mason out of the crib last weekend.  It's going really well so far!  We should've done it a lot sooner considering he's been climbing out of his crib for months.  Still working on the potty training.  And by working on it, I mean we ask Mason if he wants to try sitting on the toilet and he says either,  A. "Not now" or B. "I'll do it later".  So steps into full on Big Boy Status.

Some After and Before pictures.
A lot has changed in 3 years!!
Crib coming down...

3 years earlier...
Crib going up.

Unfortunately Erik didn't have his other little helper for the take down, he was playing at a friend's house.  Can't believe how big these boys are getting, and how fast it's all happening!!

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