Friday, February 24, 2017

We had a giant snowstorm today that kept all of us home.  We couldn't drive out of our garage even if we wanted to (good thing we didn't want to).  We played outside, shoveled, the boys went for snowmobile rides, we napped on the couch and played games.  It was a great day but it was a tough to pill to swallow considering just 2 days ago it was 60+ degrees and we were playing outside in shorts and t-shirts!  Minnesota weather is never boring!!!

This picture isn't from today.  
The snowfall from today was about 10 times the amount that's in this picture.

Charlie, Kade and Mason.  3 studs in eye black.

Mason and I out for a walk enjoying the spring weather in February.

Kade and I went to the girls basketball playoff game last night.  We met our friends Sandi and Lauren there.  The game went into overtime, unfortunately they lost, but Lauren and Kade were going CRAZY with cheering!  It was so fun to watch them get so into the game!  Little ballers in the making :-)

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